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We are happy to offer you answers to the most common questions related to our moving and logistics services. In this section, we have put together useful information to guide you throughout your experience with us. If you have any additional questions that are not covered here, please feel free to contact our customer service team. We are here to make your moving process as easy as possible. Let’s get started!

General questions

Deciding when to contact a moving company is key to ensuring a smooth transition. We recommend that you call us as soon as you have a tentative date for your move. This will allow us to reserve the date and plan the logistical details in advance. The sooner you let us know about your move, the more time we will have to customize our services to your specific needs, provide you with a detailed quote, and offer helpful preparation advice.

Is a formal commitment by the moving company to maintain the agreed upon price for your services, as long as there are no substantial changes to the details of the move. This type of budget offers transparency and certainty, avoiding unpleasant surprises in the final cost.

During the visit, the professional will examine the quantity and type of items to be moved, the need for specialized packaging services, any additional equipment needed, and other relevant logistical details. This on-site evaluation allows the company to provide you with a more accurate and personalized quote based on your specific needs.

We understand that plans can change, and we are here to adapt to your needs at all times. If you need to add or remove items from your moving plan, we recommend following these steps:

Contact us:

Get in touch with our team as soon as possible. You can call us or send us an email. The sooner you inform us of changes, the better we can adjust and customize your moving plan.
Discuss the Changes:

Talk to our representative about the specific changes you want to make. Whether you’re adding extra items, removing some items, or adjusting any details, we’re here to accommodate your needs.
Budget update:

If the changes affect the volume or complexity of the move, we may need to adjust the quote. We will provide you with a detailed and transparent update to ensure you are fully informed of the costs associated with the changes made.
Written confirmation:

After discussing the changes, we will send you a written confirmation detailing the adjustments to your moving plan, including revised costs, if any. This document will serve as a reference to ensure that we are both aligned on the new agreed upon details.

We’re committed to making your move as easy and convenient as possible, even when schedule changes arise. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss and coordinate the new move-in date, and we will be happy to assist you in this adjustment process.

When choosing a packing option, consider your time, convenience, and the level of care you want for your belongings. Always check with your chosen moving company to understand their specific packing services, costs, and any additional details they may offer.

Informing the appropriate people and entities about your move is crucial to avoid logistical problems and ensure that all correspondence and services are redirected correctly. Here is a comprehensive list of who you should inform when you move:

Post Office:

File a change of address request at the post office to redirect your mail to your new address.

Public services:

Notify the utility companies (electric, gas, water, internet, cable) of your move to disconnect services at your current address and set them up at the new one.

Governmental agencies:

Update your address with relevant government agencies, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and voter registration.

Financial institutions:

Inform your bank, credit card companies and other financial institutions of your change of address.

Insurance Providers:

Notify your insurance providers about your move, including health insurance, auto insurance, home insurance, etc.


Inform your employer of your new address, especially if there are changes to your workplace.
Schools and Educational Institutions:

Notify your children’s schools and any educational institutions of your move.

There are certain items that moving companies and transporters will not allow to transport due to legal restrictions, safety regulations or practical considerations. Below is a list of common items that are generally not allowed in a move:

Dangerous materials:

Chemical substances, flammable liquids, explosives and other hazardous materials are not permitted.

Perishable Items:

Perishable foods, live plants and other items that could be damaged during prolonged transportation.

Fuels and Gases:

Gasoline, propane, oxygen cylinders and other flammable fuels and gases.
Illegal items:

Any illegal items, such as illegal drugs, unregistered firearms, or stolen items.

Moving companies generally do not transport live animals. If you have pets, you will need to make separate arrangements for their transportation.
Important documents:

Valuable documents, passports, birth certificates and other items that you prefer to carry with you personally.
Irreplaceable Items:

Sentimental items, expensive jewelry and other irreplaceable items that you prefer to carry with you.
Household Chemicals:

Cleaning products, pesticides and other household chemicals that could pose a risk during transport.
Dangerous Equipment:

Dangerous or prohibited equipment, such as weapons, ammunition, explosives, or any equipment that may pose a safety risk.
Large and Heavy Items without Notification:

Some businesses may require advance notice or special arrangements for large or heavy items, such as pianos, safes, or bulky sports equipment.
Inside plants:

Some moving companies may have restrictions on transporting houseplants due to phytosanitary regulations.

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